Saturday, June 29, 2013

The West Highland Way June 2013

These photos are in reverse order. Sore feet and happy faces come after the West Highland Way!

Sandy approaches Ft. William

Joe approaches Ft. William

Laurel?  "Have you seen Laurel lately?"

"I thought she was with you!"

The High Road

The beginning of the West Highland Way

                                                                Stepping off

I've gotta thessle an me arm!

First glimpse of Loch Lomond!

 Now here are Sandy's photos of the trip...this time in chronological order!

Landing in Iceland!

Take off from Iceland

                                                      Approach to Glasgow, Scotland!

A quick train from the Airport to Dumbarton East

A short train ride to Glasgow for touring and sights

Bowling, Scottish Style

                                                            The William Hunter Museum

The University of Glasgow

The Entrance to the Business School

The entrance to the Chancellery

The office of the Registrar

                                                       Alas, the Philosophy Wing Entryway. (Pssst, no, down here!) You just squeeze between or jump over these boundary bars of the Scientific Method.  Then you low crawl through the muck of most fertile reality, wading through the chasm of necessity and determinism. Then, do you see that stonework without any toe hold? You must slowly scale that four story stone wall.  Good luck! When you reach the top window, yes the stained glass fenster of theology and metaphysics, it is there that you must make your important choice. Do you jump back down to the gutter, do you prance proudly through the stained glass into the welcoming arms of respected colleagues who also took the easy way, or do you continue to climb?  Well, before you decide, please consider that they have ways to make it all seem worth your while in the Theology department.  You know, stable job, social respect, publication opportunities, Templeton Awards, etc. etc.  But if you do keep climbing, you can find out what Philosophy really is; and after all of that struggle you might be a bit disappointed to learn that from those lofty heights all you can see well is the bustle of the human species interacting with the world around them, down here.  Yes you can see the sky. And the air might contain more perspective clearing oxygen. Some of the riddles and paradoxes might become easier to solve when you observe things from above, but from up there you will find yourself focused on what is happening...down here, back where you began!  Does that mean the climb is not worthwhile?    No! Just avoid the barbed wire as you climb up to the roof. Ignore that trespassing sign, its in Greek anyway. And all it says is, well, something about signifiers slipping behind deconstructed signifieds. Just ignore it and all other signs like it.

The side entrance to House Hufflepuff

The Faculty Parking Lot: The only catch, nobody needs a car here! We are in the civilized world of public transportation.

                                                   This inn has got its priorities in order!

Back to Glasgow

Turkish Kabap!   Yummmm!

The West Highlands Way

Starts right here!

    "Jus ye ga ontter th ontterway then, aye, follow th thessle, the oop way onter Fort William"

Wild Swans

A distillery, some warehouses full of malts--we're off!

                              I have not seen Dad since we passed the distillery! Have you?

"Where have you been?"

"What distillery?"

That's ale on the left and cider on the right.
"It comes in pints!"

A shoulder of lamb.  
Imagine it. You can just order a shoulder of lamb and fries!

And then that is what you get, a shoulder of lamb and fries!

Morning already?

Blue Bells and Scotch Pines

An early glimpse of Loch Lomond in the distance.

The flower of Scotland

It comes in many varieties and colors. But nothing the purple version always makes a true Scot stop and pause for a wee spell.

Doing our best to avoid contact with livestock...US Customs is difficult enough to work with!

Back on the path, the long way around Loch Lomond

Avoiding contact with livestock becomes more and more difficult. But we avoided them.

Joe off to take the "low road."  Laurel and Sandy off on the "high road."

Dad:  "So, what exactly is in Haggis?"

Proprietor: "You dunt really want ta know!"

About half way there!

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